How to Choose the Best VoIP Service

Key Features to Consider When Selecting a VoIP Provider


If you’re looking for a new phone system for your business communication or want to upgrade your business’s existing traditional phone system, you’ve likely come across VoIP phone systems. If you haven’t used a VoIP phone system before or you’ve been stuck using outdated analogue phones, a VoIP phone system could be the next big step for your business.


But, the question is: how do you choose the best business VoIP service for you?


There are a lot of variables to consider. However most VoIP providers, like Elite Group make switching an easy process. So, here’s a breakdown of everything you’ll need to know when choosing the best business VoIP service for you.


What is a VoIP Phone System?


Call centre worker, wearing headset to access VoIP business phone system.


A VoIP phone system is powered by the internet and puts a business’s communications – phone, email, text and otherwise – all under one easy-to-access platform. It’s a huge leap forward in business phone technology, and it’s not a temporary one. About 90% of IT leaders will be using VoIP technology in the coming years, according to FinancesOnline. Meaning if your business isn’t using a VoIP system, you run the risk of falling behind. But first, it’s important to identify what type of business you run, so you can make the best decision when choosing a VoIP service provider.


Does Business Type Matter When Choosing a VoIP Service Provider?


Remote worker talking on mobile, to demonstrate the flexibility of accessing a VoIP phone system via a mobile phone.


Any sized business can take advantage of VoIP technology to receive calls. However, the precise VoIP service you choose will depend on several factors. One is the size and scale of your business and what you predict the size and scale will be in the future.


On a smaller scale, small businesses with only a handful of customers can still use VoIP technology. If you receive calls in your business, there’s no doubt you can utilise VoIP services. However medium to large businesses will notice a huge difference when they receive calls, especially if they’ve been using an analogue system.


What VoIP Features Will You Need?


Office worker wearing headset to access VoIP business phone system.


VoIP services have opened businesses up to features that help streamline their communication and help their workforce be more productive in handling and making calls. In the past, businesses have had to pay for various services across multiple providers, but VoIP systems present these features all in one package. When choosing a VoIP service provider, here are just a few of the VoIP features you could benefit from in your business.


Advanced Call Management


Advanced call management allows you to make numerous decisions when receiving calls. You can forward, hold and block the call or you can prioritise the call within a certain department or queue and more. Perfect if you have a lot of calls floating around at once and a big improvement over traditional phone systems.


Business Texting


Want to update your customers in a friendly yet efficient way? Offering them updates via text is a great way to keep them informed wherever they are. Send product and shipping updates instantly with business texting.


Cloud Call Recording


Need to refer back to customer calls or save calls for quality and training purposes? VoIP systems can handle call recording, saving all this data and more to a cloud-based storage system for easy access. VoIP systems can save all your business data to the cloud if you like. It’s a safe and convenient way to keep all sensitive company data secure and eliminate the threat of fallout in the vent of a technological failure onsite.


Voicemail Conversion


If you allow customers to leave voicemail messages, how convenient would it be if those voicemails could be converted into emails an/or texts? That’s exactly what voicemail conversion does, allowing employees to access, edit and share this information quickly, without the need to transcribe the call.


Video Conferencing


Video changed the way we all communicate when COVID hit with video conferencing being utilised at 21 times the rate it was pre-COVID by late 2021. Video conferencing with employees and customers isn’t just a great way to share information, it adds a personal touch. This is just the tip of the iceberg – be sure to investigate every feature of VoIP services you may need before making a decision.


Make Your Move into VoIP Phone Systems with Elite Group


At Elite Group, we have decades of experience helping businesses find the best phone system for them, including VoIP phone systems. Our team of specialists will work with you to identify the specific features you need and find the right VoIP system that contains those features. We’ll help you to get the most out of your new solution for communications that boost productivity, provide the best experience for your customers and help your business to grow. Contact us here or call 0344 875 8880.